
How I Spent My Winter Vacation

I did these three images while I was in Florida with my family over SCAD's winter break.
The first is a re-do of an image I did at the Illustration Academy last summer (2008). You can see the sketch and the original image a few posts earlier than this one.

The second image is from a sketch I did at the Illustration Academy this year. The assignment given by Mark English was to make a travel poster. I chose to do a poster for Neverland, since he didn't say that the place needed to be a real location. The sketch didn't make the final cut, but I liked it and decided that it might make a nice piece for my portfolio.

The third image is something I thought up while I was down in Florida. I visited the Kennedy Space Center while in Orlando and the place left an impression on me. I've always been fascinated with galaxies, stars, nebulae, black holes, planets, and pretty much anything that has to do with space, and I think watercolor really lends itself to depicting those crazy things out there. Who knows, maybe someday, I'll get to do a book about outer space.


Sam said...

do the book! what a great goal!

Renard said...

these are really pretty. I love the palette, and the fox.
I wish you a lot of success!

Mark Eberhardt said...

Thanks a lot!
