
Mars Society Poster Competition

Today is the first day of spring on Earth and spring is well underway on Mars.  This summer, the Mars Society will be holding its 15th annual convention and they had a contest to design a poster.
I didn't win, but got the honorable mention and a neat certificate.

Curiosity is on its way to Mars right now and will land in August.  The central figure in the poster is obviously the rover.  The idea for the signal on the right came from an old poster design of the Voyager probe that I came up with while teaching at SCAD.  Each image in the bars to the right is a pilar of the current Mars mission - discovering the chemistry of Mars, the possible biology of Mars, and furthering Man's exploration of the solar system and beyond. That last bar is a cut out of the "golden records" included on the Voyager crafts.  The original design had the signal bars a solid light color, which probably would have made a better image, but I wanted to include the mission goals in the piece.


Sarah Alfarhan said...

Congrats Mark!

Beth Post said...

I really dig this!

Beth Post said...

I really dig this!
